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Exploring Seasonal Flavors in the Bistro

27 February 2024

The Bistro’s new proposal totally respects the seasonality of the products: seasonal vegetables and fruits give color to our winter menus. There are four of them, in continuous rotation until the change of season.

The broccoli

We find it in our ’88 pastry: it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fibre, excellent for the cardiovascular system and for intestinal health.

Curiosity: broccoli comes from an area between Greece, Turkey and Syria, but was brought to Italy already by the Romans, who had developed the custom of eating it raw before meals, because it was believed that this allowed the body to better absorb the wine during banquets.

The cauliflower

This vegetable helps prevent hypertension by lowering blood pressure thanks to its amino acid content. Furthermore, the vitamin K it is rich in helps increase concentration and, more generally, helps mental functions.

Our recipe sees it as the protagonist with Lugana I Frati DOC butter and a contrast of kumquats.

The pumpkin

Il suo colore arancione aiuta a rifornire l’organismo di antiossidanti naturali, in particolare sotto forma di vitamina A, un nutriente importante per il mantenimento dell’integrità di pelle e mucose. Aiuta inoltre a proteggere la vista.

Una calda vellutata di zucca con il contrasto bilanciato di mela gialla sarà una coccola per il tuo palato durante queste giornate ancora fredde dell’anno.

The radicchio

The variety we use is the Trevigiana variety, a Venetian PGI which stands out for its early or late production.

Curiosity: radicchio appeared in Italy in the 16th century, precisely in the province of Treviso, where, from being the food of poor people, it became a prized and sought-after vegetable, thanks to particular production techniques. The full recognition of the incomparable qualities of the product was definitively established with the organization of the first radicchio exhibition, organized on the initiative of the agronomist Giuseppe Benzi in December 1900.

Come and try our GREENYELLOWRED and BLUE menus which rotate weekly, differing for lunch and dinner: so you will always be able to discover new flavors thanks to a 70% vegetarian cuisine.

  • Address: via Verona 69/71, Lugana di Sirmione, Bs.

  • Telephone: +39 030 919003