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About us

La Fenice
Fenice was born in 2010 with the desire to create a location “unique” on Garda Lake shores.
The place with his liberty style is located in Lugana di Sirmione, just a few kilometers from the historic centre, is an unavoidable stop for those who loves nature and want to take a relaxing time with some sin of throats.
Here you can enjoy during Spring and summer seasonwith a beautiful terrace to taste wines of our prestigious Winery Ca’dei Frati to start your day in the best way with a fine breakfast, to eat fine dining at lunch and dinner of our chef, to make a sweet or salty snack and to spend an evening with your friend with a drink.

Our local will delight you with a wide choice of food and drinks for every need: we also have Vegetarian Menu with a small choice also for coeliacs people.
Fenice offers to his guests nearby a wide comfortable parking side.Our local put at disposal every day some magazines to pamper our guests.
On our local you could decide where to sit down: inside the heated room , also with a desk service or outside on our Balcony, with table service.
Hall “Fenice (quiet clear.) :.our local put at disposal a convention hall conferences, art exhibitions, bookable on request.

Veranda on Lake

Between the most beauties of our local there is the veranda heated in autumn and winter and open in summer placed directly on Garda lake, from which you could also see from the Peninsula of Sirmione till to the famous “Grotte di Catullo.”
This is a quite zone where our guests could take a peace moment drinking a coffee or drinking a glass of wine alone or with Friends.
Our Staff is suitable to every need serving at the table with the careful care.
Along our lake promenade, there is also an useful bridge for guests who want reach our local with a boat; it’s possible free of charges and to take services from Fenice.