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New season, new menu

28 June 2024

On June 21st summer finally arrives and at La Fenice a new, fresh menu genuine awaits you! The color format remains the same: we celebrate colors of the rainbow of fruit and vegetables that we constantly use in ours varied proposals. Furthermore, every week you will find a different menu for lunch too and dinner so as to vary the gastronomic offer as much as possible.

If you also love pairings, each dish will have a dedicated wine Ca’ dei Frati according to the rules of the AIS sommeliers, who evaluate the balance between the flavors of the dish and the vines of the wine.

The novelty of the new menu is a division. Yes, you read it right: we divided the menu in a section dedicated to comfort – that is, more traditional and well-known dishes for those who want to be on the safe side – and a spatial section, where the creativity of chef Edo is at the highest level – in the Let’s Experiment part! you will find ingredients and truly unique and inimitable flavours.

Here are the values ​​of our menus in summary: The Green menu celebrates freshness and vitality of nature (it is the color of chlorophyll that the chef also uses as ornament in the plating) with dishes that make the most of the vegetables and fresh seasonal herbs.

Salads, watermelon, tomatoes and lemons will be accompanied here by an assortment of aromatic herbs such as basil and parsley, directly from our little one vegetable garden on the lake. This menu is a hymn to lightness and freshness, perfect for those who love natural and vibrant flavours, without forgetting tasty meat combinations and always very fresh fish.

The Yellow menu shines with vibrancy and warmth, reflecting the brightness of the seasonal ingredients. Corn, peppers, peas and mint combine with the flavor refined confit tomato and selected zero kilometer cheeses. Everything is fine dish on this menu is designed to evoke the joy and warmth of the sun, making every meal a radiant and welcoming experience.

With the Red menu, you enter a world of energy and intensity. The deep flavors and vibrant from the roasted tomatoes and onions, along with the sweetness of the melon and of legumes, create rich and satisfying dishes. This menu is perfect for those looking a powerful and dynamic culinary experience, full of passion and vitality. 

Finally, the Blue menu embodies elegance and delicacy, recalling the colors of the sky and of the lake in our summer dishes. Purple aubergines, courgettes and apricots, together with our selected dairy products and cured meats, they offer simple and pure flavours. 

This menu is ideal for those who appreciate a touch of refinement in their meals, with dishes which are as beautiful to look at as they are delicious to taste. 

Book your next meal at La Fenice now to discover new flavors every time week!

  • Address: via Verona 69/71, Lugana di Sirmione, Bs.

  • Telephone: +39 030 919003